Have multiple domain names?
Need to host several websites? Not a problem! The Multi-Domain Webplatter
account gives you enough storage space and bandwidth to host unlimited
websites, relieving you from having to moniter how much space and resources
each account is using!We give you the flexibility of carving and
allocating server resources yourself by allwoing you to create custom plans
for your customers.
Our managed reseller hosting
environment is different from the unlimited plan in that you don't have
to be concerned with creating and configuring plans, and don't want to
be concerned with managing server resources yourself. Our OnTimeHost.Com
Managed Reseller Plan offers pre-configured resold plans with fixed traffic,
disk space and POP account allocations. Resellers can take advantage of
simplicity, ease of use and cost effectiveness of our plans and position
themselves as a one-source supplier of high quality solutions for their